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(Submitted by Stewart) End of Summer term 1958
K.N.G. Foster with Stewart Fincham (Former Head Boy)

The Old Westbrookians' Society was founded -

* to celebrate the life and achievements of Kenneth Noel Goring Foster (1903 - 1984) and his school - Westbrook House School (1947 - 1968)
* to unite former pupils of his school
* to promote the current incarnation of the school under Niall Washington-Jones.

All messages appearing here are the sole responsibility of the person posting the message and not the Oldwestbrookians’ Society. The Oldwestbrookians’ Society does not guarantee or endorse the accuracy, integrity or quality of any information contained in the guestbook. Any views or opinions expressed in postings in the guestbook remain those of the person posting the message and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oldwestbrookians’ Society.
Under no circumstances will the Oldwestbrookians’ Society be liable for any errors or omissions in any postings or for any loss or damages of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any information contained in the guestbook.