To view photo's that go along with this web page, click on the above picture, a new window will load, look to the right
side and you will see "View ablum," click on that. Thank you.
Charming photo of Metty in the 1960s (on the right) with our beloved headmaster, Kenneth Foster


Our Mission
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit
changes, nothing perishes).
OFFICE/Oldwestbrookians Hi boys,
what's just pinged into my email account! I've spoken to Mrs Metcalfe and am going to arrange a visit soon. Might be worth
putting something on the website.
From: Winstanley, Robert C. Date: 23-Oct-2006 11:57 Subject:
Mrs Metcalfe To: OFFICE/Oldwestbrookians
Hi Oldwestbrookians, Here's a strange thing. I am based in Tokyo
but my mother who lives in Canterbury got a phone call out of the blue yesterday for me from Mrs Metcalfe, wife of Jim Metcalfe
who I remember as the ex Royal Navy geography master during my time. I vaguely remember Mrs Metcalfe too I think. Not
quite sure how Mrs Metcalfe got my name or my Mum's phone number. Anyway I just called her from Tokyo. She lives in Hythe
and says she has a lot of mementoes and details about Jim Metcalfe. She had seen the article in the local newspaper (which
I haven't seen infact) and was a bit upset that Jim Metcalfe hadn't been mentioned. She explained to me that Jim Metcalfe
was with Fozzie from the start of Westbrook along with Mr. Household and Richard Campbell. Anyway I explained the great
work you and David-Michael are doing collecting contacts and details about WH and I assured her that if her husband had not
been featured in the article it was only that the tracking down of old Westbrookians and the piecing together of WH history
was still in progress. But I said I was sure everybody would be really pleased to now be in touch with her in order to get
the full picture about Jim Metcalfe. She said she would be very happy to help. Regards Robert
Dear Sir,
I am trying to find information on one of my old masters here in UK. Francis James Metcalf, affectionately known as
'Metty', was our geography teacher at Westbrook House from 1949 to 1977. I've just had some information from the Archivist
at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he got a degree later in life, and it mentions that he was a pupil at your school from
1921-1924. Do your records stretch back that far and do you have any information/pictures about him there?
I'm trying
to piece together the history of our school and it would be great to have a link to your school as we have some common history.
From the Archivist at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (26.10.2006): "Francis Metcalf from our database.
He was born in Dorset on 24 May 1912, the son of the Rev. Francis William Rucker Metcalf (Emmanuel B.A. 1897), who at the
time of his son's admission to Emmanuel was living at Wye Vicarage, Ashford, Kent. He was educated at Western Province School,
Claremont, South Africa, 1921-24, private tuition 1925-26, and at Eastbourne College from 1926. He came to Emmanuel in October
1932 and read for an ordinary degree, taking the second principal exam in history in 1933 and obtaining a third class, and
a subsidiary subject (unspecified) in the same year. He left the College after the summer term of 1934 and did not graduate".
Best regards,

Peterborough Advertiser, 1st Sept 1917 (Click here to see photo)
Dear Oldwestbrookians,
Thank you for the round robin. You wanted to
know more about some of the staff. As a former member of staff (1973 - 1989)I can add a word or two about some of the names
you mentioned. Metcalfe, F.J., married a Westbrook Matron. Lived in Hythe. For several years (1970s) taught mainly 9 -
10 year olds. I think he went to Cambridge but never took a degree. Only met Richard Campbell briefly - I seem to remember
he had very poor sight. Stokes, R. H. H. He, too, married a matron - she was senior Matron at Westbrook House/DCJS for
some years into the '70s. He was a JP in Hythe and would disappear on Thursday afternoons to go to court. He was als a Freemason.
Humphrey Household I met either once or twice. He felt that he had not been dealt with fairly when the new DCJS lot came over.
Edith Hughdie became head of the pre- Prep department under Richard Rottenbury - I think she had held a similar position
under Fozzy. She was something of a steadying influence at the bottom of the School. It seemed very much her kingdom with
the two other teachers and a total of about 40 children aged 5 to 7+ Prof. Alfie Mallard was PE master and Fencing coach
virtually up to his death. He certainly had the capacity to encourage very high standards of Fencing. I know it's not
much but I hope it's helpful. Charles Whitney
My enquiries have netted this so far - from
Emmanuel College : Francis Metcalf from our database. He was born in Dorset on 24 May 1912, the son of the Rev. Francis William
Rucker Metcalf (Emmanuel B.A. 1897), who at the time of his son's admission to Emmanuel was living at Wye Vicarage, Ashford,
Kent. He was educated at Western Province School, Claremont, South Africa, 1921-24, private tuition 1925-26, and at Eastbourne
College from 1926. He came to Emmanuel in October 1932 and read for an ordinary degree, taking the second principal exam in
history in 1933 and obtaining a third class, and a subsidiary subject (unspecified) in the same year. He left the College
after the summer term of 1934 and did not graduate. From 1934 to 1936 he was at Bishops Theological College, and from 1937-39
he was an assistant schoolmaster, place unknown. As you already know, he served in the navy during the war, but we have no
details of his service. After the war he returned to teaching in various schools, including your own, but we have no further
names or dates in our records. He retired in 1977. and Eastbourne College: He was a home boarder (dayboy) and later a
boarder ib Gonville House from Summer 1926 until December 1930. Born 24.5.12. Son of the Rev Francis WR Metcalf, Vicar of
Wye, Ashford, Kent. He was a house prefect, and in the 2 nd XV in 1930. Went up to Emmanuel, Cambridg, in 1932, BA in 1935.
Asst Master at Boundary Oak Prep School, Purbank, Hants 1937-40. In WW2 he served as a Lieut RNVR in the N Atlantic and Mediterranean
1941, N Africa and the Med 1942 and in Air-Sea Rescue in 1943-6.From 1947 he was at Broadlands Prep School, Petersfield, Hants.
We have no later information apart from that in your email, but would welcome any that you care to send us. He might be in
a house group photo in Gonville but it is half term and I could not access it. In any case there would be a problem in
identifying him.
And so the hunt continues.......
Membership Secretary OFFICE/Oldwestbrookians
Hi Georgina,
Attached are two photographs
- Pix for Herald (courtesy of Bev McClellan at Propert Matters) shows on back row (l-r), Roger De Haan (OW), me, Roddy Baker
(Fell Reynolds, OW) and Peter Mellor (OW). The two in the front I don't know.
Hope these are useable. And, can I see
your copy before it goes to print?
Best regards, OFFICE/Oldwestbrookians PS: OW
= Old Westbrookian
On 12/10/06,
wrote: Hi,
I do not seem to have your phone
number !! Would you mind giving me a call back as there are a few things I would lkie to check with you. I have wriiten
the piece as it has to go in asap - but would love any more info such as what the 'old boys' are doing now. Also a few more
pics? I dont suppose you have any with Roger De Haan as a school boy? Or other boys, with names and dates??
I would
appreciate if you could email these bits over - and I look forward to your call,
Georgina Brisk
OFFICE/Oldwestbrookians To Angus foster
October/12/2006 Angus,
I've just received the attached (Peterborough Advertiser, 1st Sept 1917) and thought
you might like a copy. It answers a couple of the outstanding questions about Fozzie's brothers and his father. These I am
now following up.
Speak soon,
Membership Secretary
An addition to the family bible!
October 2006
Hi Boys,
I think I may have got closer
to solving three of the Foster riddles -
1. The Lord Bicester-Foster connection: Lord Bicester was a great racing
fan (see his obituary) 2. Fozzie's father ran a Worsted & Twine manufacturing company in Selby, not a flax mill. I'm
still trying to track down the name and location of same 3. Two Feltonfleet Schools: There was a house called 'Feltonfleet'
as well as a school, but I'm still trying to sort that one
I'm still looking for the Lady Ellenborough connection
and the reason (and date) that Fozzie's father got the OBE. There's a wealth of information to be gleaned from The Times Online.
Membership Secretary
Hi troops,
Look what I've just "found" in this excellent online resource!
I'm now looking for the award of the OBE to Fozzie's father. I'll be in touch,
Membership Secretary
Subject: Kenneth Foster Submitted
by Angus Foster
Dear OFFICE/Oldwestbrookians
Further to my email last week here is the information I got from the family bible when in Scotland:
John Foster born 20 January 1864 at Selby, Yorkshire. Died January 1935 Ellen Gertrude Gorrill born 9 August 1868 at Lancaster.
Died September 1948 Married 20 June 1889 at Trinity Chapel, Southport
Robert Douglas Foster
born 2 May 1890. Killed in action 1915 Daisey Gertrude Foster born 29 September 1892. Died March 1935 John Cecil Foster
born 12 August 1894. Killed in action 1917 Arthur Derrick (note spelling) Huthersall Foster born 9 April 1896. Died December
1968 Geoffrey Basil Goring Foster born 23 September 1898. Died 8 March 1899 (aged 6 months). Kenneth Noel Goring Foster
born 5 August 1903. Died 13 July 1984
Arthur Derrick Huthersall Foster married: 1. Dorothy Ann Pattinson 23 September
1923 at Great Ayton, Yorkshire. Dorothy Ann Pattinson born 1902. Died 1932 2.Margaret (Margot) Hilda Leresche 1938
at Folkestone Margaret (Margot) Hilda Leresche born 1916. Died 2002. They were subsequently divorced. I'm not sure
when. Margot was married two more times and latterly lived in Spain, near Malaga, and was living there when she died.
of Arthur Derrick Huthersall Foster 1. By Dorothy Ann Pattinson: Patricia (Pat or Tish) Foster born 16 August 1924.
Died October 1997 at Rochester, USA Douglas Edwin (Ted) Foster born 22 July 1925 at Guisborough, Yorkshire. Died 23 June
2005 at Tayport, Fife Nan ("Tim") Foster born 8 December 1928. (She never married. Trained initially as a nurse at St
Thomas's Hospital, London. Worked in Africa, particularly Sierra Leone and then became an Anglican nun. Now Sister Teresa,
Anglican Community of St Francis and lives in a community in Newcastle-under-Lyne, shortly to move to Birmingham.) 2.
By Margaret (Margot) Hlida Lersesche: Hugh Leresche Foster born 8 December 1940. Currently lives and works in Sumatra,
I have not included details of the marriages and children of Patricia Foster, Douglas Edwin (Ted) Foster
(my father) or Hugh Leresche Foster but I can do so if you like.
Ken's Grandfather (Robert John Foster's father) was
John Foster of Park House, Selby, Yorkshire. John Foster was married to Rebecca Dunn whose mother Hannah Dunn (nee Cook) was
the granddaughter of Christopher Cook, the younger brother of Captain James Cook, the famous navigator and discoverer of Australia.
I have a copy of a handwritten (by my father) family tree which shows this line of descent. It was a common story told by
both Uncle Ken and my Grandfather that we were descended from Captain Cook.
There was also a common story that we
were descended from Robert the Bruce ( James and Christopher Cook's parents did move to Yorkshire from Scotland) but I'm not
sure how accurate that one is; most of Scotland claims such descent!
Another story often told by my Grandfather was
that his and Ken's father, Robert John Foster, owned the first motor car in Yorkshire but again that may just have been another
Foster story. Both my Grandfather and Uncle Ken were known to "shoot a bit of a line", as was my own father.
The family
in Selby (John Foster and Robert Douglas Foster, owned a flax mill or mills and I believe were pretty well off. However the
business went bust during or shortly after the First World War with the development and introduction of nylon.
regard to your specific questions:
1. I am sorry but I do not know why or when the OBE was awarded. I assume that
there is a register of people awarded the OBE and I will try to find out. I do have the actual medal somewhere in our house
in Scotland, which I will try to hunt down next time we are there.
2. No, I'm sorry but I do not know anything about
this link or, indeed, who these people are.
3. As I mentioned, you would get more accurate information from his son,
my half Uncle, Hugh Foster. It is my own understanding that in the First World War my Grandfather, ADH Foster, was initially
an officer at a very young age in charge of a significant number of men, many significantly older than him, in the trenches
on the Western Front but was wounded and after he returned to England and recovered he was one of the first members of the
Royal Flying Corps. He remained on in what became the RAF as a regular officer and was in the RAF in the Second World War.
I am not sure when he became a Group Captain. At some point he was based at RAF Hawkinge and it was while there that met met
and married his second wife, Margaret (Margot), whose family lived in Folkestone. For some reason, I understood that at some
point he was officer commanding RAF Cranwell, the RAF training school but I do not know if that is accurate. I also know that
at least in the latter part of 1945 he was commanding the RAF base in Karachi as I have copies of a couple of complimentary
letters to him there from the Air Vice Marshal at HQ South East Asia. At some point in his career he was also in Egypt. I
also know that he encouraged my father to leave school (Haileybury) early at the age of 17 and join the RAF and my father
was in the RAF until 1947.
4. I am sorry but I have never heard of either Athelstan or Feltonfleet schools. I do know
that after my father's mother (Dorothy Pattinson) died (aged only 30), when he was only 7 years old, he and his 2 sisters
were sent to live with their paternal Grandparents (Robert John Foster and Daisey Gertrude (known as Gertie)) who lived either
in or near Eastbourne. My father was sent as a boarder to a prep school called Hill Brow which I believe was in Bexhill on
Sea and it was always my understanding that Uncle Ken was teaching there and that was the reason my father was sent there.
I can't find any reference to that school on the internet and I expect it has long since closed down. When my father was 7
Ken would have been 29. I assume he was teaching there because it was near his parents.
5. I do not know what it means
that Ken was "called up" in 1921 (he would only have just left school). Where did that information come from?
6. I
know very little about what Ken was doing between leaving school and starting Westbrook nor do I know what he did during the
Second World War. I do know that he was a volunteer policeman during the General Strike of 1926, though I do not know where.
We used to have his old wooden truncheon but somehow it got lost in our various moves. I always understood that he was a good
sportsman and he had been a scratch golfer at one point. I would certainly be interested to know more if you have or obtain
any more information. I also always understood that he had one serious romance, perhaps was even engaged, but that as a result
of it breaking off he never married.
Thank you for the 2 school photos, which were very interesting. I think you must
be right that Ken is the smiling boy in the archway as it does look a bit like him. My wife is not so convinced but I think
it must be him. As far as the photo from 1908 is concerned I am a bit more confused as to which one is RD Foster as there
are 2 boys with striped ties in the photo neither of whom look much like a Foster to me. I wonder if the school has it right.
They should presumably also have photos of Ken's other 2 brothers (my Grandfather ADH Foster and JC Foster) as well.
hope this information is of interest. I am sorry that as a family we have been so relatively poor in documenting things. My
mother was always very annoyed that apparently Ken sold or gave a way a number of old family paintings, furniture etc at or
around the time he set up Westbrook (he probably needed the money!).
I will look forward to hearing from you and if
I come across anything else that may be of interest I will let you know.
Incidentally what were your own dates at
Wesbrook? I do know of the whereabouts of two of my own contemporaries, although have not been in contact with them for a
while and do not have email addresses for them.
Kind regards
Angus Foster
Peter & David-Michael,
Lunch was interesting (chicken korma & rice, WJ supped
sherry while I stuck to water!). He said he had stuff to show me and he wasn't jesting - Flashman's cap and a folder full
of letters, notes and photos accumulated by Charles Whitney as part of his research into Dover College/WH. He's also retrieved
a good number of trophies from dusty nooks.
See you on Friday Peter,
Best regards,
Dear Tony,
Back in 1994 you kindly visited
my old school to show the pupils the magic of your talent. I'm currently compiling a history of the school and found a reference
to your visit in some notes compiled by one of its teachers. Did you have any pictures taken at the time or have any recollection
of it? I'd be grateful for anything I can use in the history and look forward to hearing from you.
Next year is the
school's 60th anniversary, perhaps you can note it in your diary in case you fancy a day in the sun in South Kent!
Reply: I regret that
Tony Hart does not have any significant recollections of his visit to your school. He does remember that he was very kindly
received, and that everyone was very hospitable. Tony Hart Enterprises
Organization News
From: Roderick D.Baker To:
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 6:37 PM Subject: Where are they now?
Dear OFFICE/Oldwestbrookians
Thank you for you email. I spoke with W-J and Roger de Haan and said that I would be happy to
chair an events committee for the big reunion next year. W-J said that you have the names of volunteers that want to be on
the committee and that he would liase with you. Please let me know when we start.
As for "Where are they are now"
I set out some information for your article:
Roderick (Roddy) Baker
Attended Westbrook House:
1959 - 1968 Leaving with Ken Foster
Attended Dover College: 1968 - 1973 Leaving with Ken Cobb
Read for and
achieved a 2-1 Honours Degree in Estate Management at South Bank Poly
Qualified as a Chartered Surveyor
in 1979 and worked for Hillier Parker May & Rowden, Donaldsons and British Land before setting up a Ski Chalet and Tour
Company in the French Alps. I opened Les Arcs office in London in 1986.
On selling the Ski Business I left London
for Folkestone and joined the Partnership of Cluttons and running the Folkestone office until 1996 when Cluttons closed a
number of their provincial offices. Not wishing to return to London I left the partnership of Cluttons in 1996 and acquired
the Chartered Surveying practice of Fell Reynolds from the then sole partner Slater Reynolds. With the help of loyal staff
and of course our valued clients the business has grown from strength to strength and is now the largest practice in the area
with over 30 staff on the payroll and offices in Hythe and Folkestone. Fell Reynolds offer Residential and Commercial Estate
Agency, Property Lettings, Service Charge Management and Surveying services not only in Shepway but throughout the UK.
I am married to Sue and we have two daughters Emma(18) & Alice(16). Emma is now reading Vetinary Medicine at Bristol
University and Alice is still at Kent College in Canterbury with GCSE's to be taken next Summer.
am a keen Balloonist and being a pilot I fly the Fell Reynolds Hot Air Balloon both in the UK and abroad. When it is too windy
my other passion is Sailing. My love of sailing goes back to my days at Dover College although the boats I sail now are a
good deal bigger than the Dinghys we had in those days.
If you need more let me know
From: Brian Carte Date: 01-Nov-2006 08:00 Subject: Article in Property Matters
Hello. I met John Bird for lunch at the RAC Club yesterday and he gave
me your article which certainly stirred the memory!
John and I first met aged 4 at St Marys Convent pre prep in 1947
and we both then went on to Westbrook House in 1948 and I was followed by my brother Eric in 1951. I went on to St Lawrence
College in 1957 and Eric in 1960.
I will have to dig deep into the loft to try to unearth any memorabilia. My one
abiding memory is if KGNF's Rover Car which if you were really noticed you we allowed to clean! The number was HLM ??? (Headmaster's
Lousy Motor). A teacher that also made an impression on me as well as those mentioned in your article and that of Georgina
Brisk was Major A.B.Woodgate. He was a smart and fair Military man with a fund of interesting War stories. He seemed ancient
at school so I now wonder which war he was in!
Please keep me posted on Reunion developments.
Brian Carte.